3. What is height of Active laziness?
A. Asking for a lift to house while on a morning walk.
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4. What is height of Craziness?
A. Getting a blank paper Xeroxed.
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5. What is height of Forgetfulness?
A. Seeing the mirror and trying to recollect when you saw him / her last.
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6. What is height of Stupidity?
A. A man looking through a keyhole of a glass door.
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7. What is height of Honesty?
A. A pregnant woman taking one and a half ticket.
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8. What is height of Suicide?
A. A dwarf jumping from the footpath on the road.
************ **
9. What is height of De-hydration?
A. A cow giving milk powder.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Modern Heights
Voip Internet telephony Make Free Phone calls
Voip Internet telephony Make Free Phone calls over the internet with voip
1. Choose your Service Provider
First, you will need to decide what type of VoIP service you will require. VoIP comes in plans for Residential Users, Small Business Offices; Medium sized businesses, Business-to-Business service providers and International VoIP. The best way to begin is by choosing your needs, and then compare different plans. A good idea is to make a list of all of your requirements in a VoIP plan. This will help you determine which plan is right for you. Some service providers will meet the needs of a small business under their residential plans, while others will have services designed specifically for the small home business. Residential service providers typically include a phone adapter for use with the VoIP service. The Phone adapter allows you to use your house phones with VoIP.
2. Purchase Needed VoIP Equipment
Many service providers will provide you with various equipment that you need such as phone adapters and software. If you need any additional items, you can contact your provider and see if they have them available. You must have high speed Internet before you can use VoIP. There are a limited amount of providers that will run on dial up, but don't trust it. You need a High Speed Internet connection to run all of your applications and to provide high quality audio and video capabilities.
3. Choose Your Phone Number
With VoIP you have the option of selecting your phone number. In some cases, you can keep your current phone number. Many service providers do provide the option of selecting your own area code. Some companies even have the choice of selecting area codes worldwide.
4. Pick Your Features
Voip features includes Voicemail, Caller ID, Three way calling, Call Block and a host of others. One of the benefits of using VoIP is that you can set up your phone features through the Internet, as well as monitor them.
5. Enjoy the Flexibility of VoIP
Last but not least, once you have your VoIP services ready to go, VoIP will allow you greater choices, enhanced services, and discount rates. You will enjoy being able to talk for unlimited minutes worldwide. When you compare service plans and providers, be sure to choose the one that best fits your needs.
About the Author: Michael Plante operates a free articles site, http://go-article.com Offering a wide range of subjects and categories, this site offers thousands of quality articles. If you are looking for information, check out http://go-article.com
Posted by Hina Komal.
More Article go http://funnymultimedia.blogspot.com
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
6 tips for getting your dating life back on track
No Date Again This Weekend?
- Look at dating as a learning experience. So, you've had bad dates. Don't get discouraged! In dating, like everything else you do, practice makes perfect. After all, the whole object of dating is to find out what you do (and don't) want in a potential partner. Keep an open mind and you may be surprised at what you learn about yourself through dating.
- Be true to you. When you try to be someone else, you're less likely to find "the one" who is right for you. We all want to make a good impression on a first date, but don't be so concerned about being perfect that you end up pretending to be someone you're not. You are looking for someone with whom you're compatible. That means taking a deep breath, relaxing and being you.
- Make a list and check it twice. Take a moment to write down the qualities that you want in a partner. We all have a mental list of "must haves," but putting it down on paper makes it easier to identify the traits you are seeking. Otherwise, you may end up dating "that cute guy/girl you have nothing in common with" rather than finding someone you truly mesh with.
but don't be so concerned about being perfect that you end up pretending to be someone you're not
- Know why you're dating. It's OK to want to casually date rather than find a long-term relationship. But it's important to figure out what you want out of dating before you start the process. If you're seeking something long-term, make sure you're really "ready" and have resolved any baggage from previous relationships. One of the biggest mistakes is re-entering the dating world prematurely. You may meet the most amazing person, but if you're not truly ready, you'll overlook him/her.
- Keep it light and fun. Remember, you're supposed to be having a good time on your dates. You don't have to be out with the man or woman of your dreams to enjoy yourself. If you've agreed to a date: dress up, enjoy your meal and conversation, and don't worry about whether it'll lead to date number two. Chances are, if you've been having fun, it will!
- Take a fresh look at your online dating profile. If you aren't getting enough replies, add new photos that help people see who you are and why they ought to meet you. Choose photos that show you doing activities you enjoy. Likewise, look at your profile statement. Be specific about who you are and the kind of people you want to meet. Finally -- make the first move. Write to interesting people you find in your searches -- why wait for them to contact you?
So, enough with the tips -- it's time to get back out there. Just because you don't have a special someone this weekend doesn't mean you won't have a date for next Saturday! Each date connects you with someone new. And, because dating is a numbers game, sooner or later you will meet someone who clicks with you.
Hair Follicles May Regrow After Head Wounds
By Randy Dotinga
HealthDay Reporter
WEDNESDAY, May 16 (HealthDay News) -- A chance finding in wounded lab mice could point the way to reversing hair loss, scientists say.
While studying the healing of wounds in mice, a team at the University of Pennsylvania noticed that the animals developed new hair follicles after their skin was scraped.
This is very unusual, because "the dogma was that when you're born, you're stuck with the number of hair follicles that you have," said study co-author Dr. George Cotsarelis, director of the university's Hair and Scalp Clinic. And, if the follicles die -- as occurs during aging -- they can't be revived.
No one knows if new follicle growth occurs in wounded humans or if researchers can find a way to harness the hair-growing effect without having to actually hurt people.
But scientists are hopeful, especially considering that current treatments for baldness do not create new follicles to replace ones that have died.
"We're amazed that we're getting follicles to form," Cotsarelis said. He believes the findings could even "lead to a better understanding of regeneration that might be important for treating wounds and larger sorts of injuries down the road."
Apparently, something in the mice's healing process reprograms stem cells in the skin to start making new follicles, Cotsarelis said. Essentially, he said, the process is like rebooting a computer and sending out a new command through a gene. "You're getting the clock to go back to where it was at birth," he explained.
The result is new follicles that seem to act just like follicles should -- they sprout hair.
The study is published in the May 17 issue of the journal Nature.
The wounds that appear to cause the hair regrowth in the mice are similar to a common dermatological treatment known as dermabrasion, Cotsarelis said. In dermabrasion, layers of skin are scraped off and healing begins.
So, why not start treating balding people with dermabrasion on their heads? Cotsarelis -- who is forming a company to explore ways to develop the treatment for human use -- cautioned that it's not quite that easy. Scientists may have to expand upon the treatment and work with genes to make hair grow properly, he said.
Besides hair growth, the research could have other benefits. "The follicle is a small organ, a mini-organ," Cotsarelis said. "If you can figure out how to regenerate the follicle, you also have a better idea about how to regenerate a finger or a limb."
Dr. Andrzej A. Dlugosz, a professor of dermatology at the University of Michigan who's familiar with the study, said the research is "very elegant" and especially unique since it involves mice that have not been genetically altered.
As to the scientific study of hair loss, he said that hair growth problems are hardly trivial. "There are many types of hair loss, and some of these can be emotionally devastating. Developing effective ways to restore hair can do a lot of good for patients in terms of their general well-being," Dlugosz said.
Indeed, he said, the research might also help produce skin grafts that look and function more like normal skin in burn victims.
More information
Learn more about baldness from the University of Virginia.
10 Ways to Ruin a First Date
2. Don't make any special effort to present yourself well. Dress for a first meeting the way you would for a Saturday night at home, rationalizing that you want to appear "real" and be liked for the way that you are.
3. Be late.
4. Forget your wallet. Male or female, the "I forgot my wallet" schtick is the fastest route to being labeled cheap.
If you are a guy and this is a coffee date, springing for both cups is a bargain-rate way to look good. And ladies, men notice if you offer to pay, even if they insist on opening their wallet for your latte.
See how your date reacts... if they are still at the table.
7. Complain. Whine. Grouse. Say how no one listens to you and you are looking for someone who will.
8. Be rude. To your date, and to everyone around you. Talk down to the waitperson and don't leave a tip. Complain to the management about the poor service. Ask your date what the last STD they had was or whether they are still fertile.
9. Try to get sexy. Tell your date that she is turning you on and you want to see her naked. Move in too close too fast, hugging, touching or kissing, despite what your date is signaling.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Rare Prehistoric Shark Found In Japan